I keep counting. I am making my way to the noting/journaling of 1,000 gifts. I keep counting and joining with others in the hunt for thankful-living (have a peek at the lists! www.aholyexperience.com). Here are just a few of mine...
#418. What You have done!--- it is finished on the cross!
#419. Morning snuggles with my son.
#420. Allergy meds.
#421. My automatic coffee maker. Brews before I wake!
#422. Sounds of worship coming down the stairs from my daughters bedroom.
#423. The penny-whistle and the djembe drum during worship.
#424. Smiles, contented smiles, on her face during worship.
#434. Love gifts from my daughter.
#436. Flowers picked for me.
#438. Back rub given to me by my girl.
#443. A husband who stays up late to listen and minister to a friend.
#451. A "yes" from the doctor.
#455. Science experiments in the kitchen.
#461. A quiet car ride.
#482. A frog jumps across my path.
#488. Sharing pain with others. Being prayed for.
#494. A day of His sustenance. His strength in my weakness.
#506. Dreams that instruct.
#507. Hard lessons and deep conviction of sin.
#513. Weeping prayer. Asking. Knocking. Pleading.
#514. Good news of a passed test.
#515. Love notes from my children.