When we can cry with a friend, then there is a deep connection, isn't there?
Pondering the sufferings of Christ brought tears to my eyes this morning as we passed the bread and the cup. I entered in. In that quiet moment celebrating communion, my heart remembered what He did for me that beautiful, painful day on Calvary's hill! And, it hurt to remember. It pained me. I remember, my precious Jesus. I remember.
With the tears there was indeed deep connection. Somewhere within, I think, I touched the sufferings of Christ---even if only slightly.
So far, this is the Lenten season for me. This is where I think He might be leading me. The phrase, "touch and remember the sufferings of Christ", has been bouncing around in my head and in my heart.
To touch. To sense. To remember and re-acquaint myself with the pain and sorrow of this Man I love. My Jesus.
Today, He led me further into this thought. As I sat in stillness and solitude, my thoughts raced. My mind whirled with faces. My heart was filled with this week's memories: thoughts of painful news, the suffering of a child, the loss of a loved one, the sickness of a friend, and the wandering away from faith... This suffering. These tears. Today's suffering.
Today's suffering which He feels today. My sufferings which He feels. ...My friend, Jesus.
I was moved with the sufferings of Christ today.
What might He feel as He walks beside His children who are in pain? What must He feel as He whispers His love into hearts and minds who shun and ignore Him? What must He feel as He watches His sisters cry and His brothers turn away from His Presence, running to sin? He suffers today.
My pain. And, your pain. And, her pain. He feels them all as He intercedes. As He advocates and as He speaks Truth louder than the Liar, the accuser of the brethren. (Revelation 12:10). He is our friend and our intercessor (I John 2:1, Hebrews 7:25). He is always with us.
Until He comes again, we can remember His death and proclaim it as real for us today. This pain is our "now" truth as we wait for the "not yet" of our resurrection and eternal life without tears. Tears and suffering are for today. His death and His grief, even now, are our touchstone in this broken and painful world.
When I invite it, I can be privileged to see, to hear, and to connect with His tears and His sufferings today. My friend, Jesus.
I remember, Jesus. Today. May I know Your sufferings--- to share in them with you, my Jesus (I Peter 4:13) May I hear Your heart and see Your tears as I walk through my day. What breaks Your heart? Break my heart with what breaks your heart.