"I count myself one of the number of those who write as they learn and learn as they write." ~St. Augustine

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Mary Martha combo needed

It has been a busy time. We have received our new teammates! They have finally arrived! As we all bunk down and share space in our home for this short, precious time, I have been challenged to love well and to walk in God's strength. Not that these that are in my home are hard to love. Far from it, they are truly a joy to host. But, I get tired so easily!

I realized (again!) just the other morning how strong my tendency is to rely on myself. I am a very good, well trained, efficient "do-er". I am good Martha. But, when I play a Martha role 24/7 I am easily exhausted. I need a Martha/Mary combo. I need more Mary, Lord.

What I am realizing is that I don't necessarily need to physically "sit" at Jesus feet more often (or maybe I do, ...a bit more often); but, instead I need a stillness of soul that relies, responds and leans on Him. I need Him more. My soul needs to be "sitting" at His feet...listening. David Benner describes this as "a quiet, still center from which I can invite others to come and rest." He talks about a host as "preparing their gift of hospitality by cultivating a place of quiet within themselves". I am so challenged by this. I need to listen for Him more, look for Him more and rest in Him more. This is not my natural mode. Lord, open my eyes and teach me to listen!

I was reading this afternoon and struck by a quote, "The Presence that transforms lives is not mine but God's. As I bring my true self-in-Christ to relationships, what the other person encounters is not just me by Christ in me." This is my prayer as I move on from this Sabbath day and jump into my Martha week of cooking, cleaning and serving... Lord, may I live in You, Your power, Your strength. May I run about as one who sitting at your feet in soul, mind and heart. Teach me to rest in You. May You shine through and may all around me encounter Christ in me.