"I count myself one of the number of those who write as they learn and learn as they write." ~St. Augustine

Wednesday, October 14, 2020

Sabbatical Reflections: Words on a Page #7 "Sin"


There is a place I go 
to which looks so
 ..so different at night.

In the daylight it calls me. 
Sweetness on my tongue.
Cool and quiet. 
A place of rest. 

In my mind, on my way there, 
I feel the pull.  
The draw.

It always appears delight 
in my mind's eye---
As if by night, I have never visited. 

Each moment
Each venture seems the same
The draw
The journey
The rationale
The place. The taste.

And then...  the memory
Within memory is where the night time terror lives.
Dark and dank.
Rank and rotten.
Screaming shame.

'Even at night my heart instructs me'
This memory lane reveals the true nature of this place. 
Every. Single. Time.

An emptiness
which always leaves me wanting. 
Angry. Hurting.

Bitter and sour. 
Cold and alone.
No rest.
Indeed there is no rest for the 

Written May 2020