"I count myself one of the number of those who write as they learn and learn as they write." ~St. Augustine

Wednesday, November 4, 2020

Sabbatical Reflections: Words on a Page #16 Pain


Pain that shifts and rambles.
One day it is here. 
Tomorrow it is there.
Last week it was here and there.

Always present. 
Often niggles. 
Occasionally scary.
Mostly annoying.  

Sometimes sharp.
Definitely cumbersome.
Usually dull.
Never welcome.  

It seems to take a walk around me. 
A long wandering journey.
Certainly, it has it's favourite spots to 
sit a spell.  Stretch out!  Hunker down. 

Without announcement or fanfare
It begins to stroll again. 
Pain making its ways to new vistas, 
new horizons.

Meandering, searching, looking, 
I wonder, 
for new favourite spots.
To rest and sit for a while.  

Written July 2020