"I count myself one of the number of those who write as they learn and learn as they write." ~St. Augustine

Friday, December 11, 2020

Sabbatical Reflections: Words on a Page #32 Rambler


She called him a rambler.
Defined by his adventures, 
he rambles his way through
valley, field and mountain pass.

He walks, she explained.
He walks often... for fun, she laughed.
He rambles, she said again, 
willing me to understand.

Words bounce in my head and I wonder, 
As I walk the hills,
one muddy step after another, 
I ponder the words as they run through my head.

Am I a rambler?
It may not be Tryfan or Pen y fan, 
It certainly will never be Everest.
The Himalayas are not my cup of tea!

But, indeed, I ramble.
I ramble through this life.
I traverse and trek through peeks and passes.
Making my way through forest and fields.

I would not have chosen this life, 
this adventure and ramble 
of body, soul and mind.
But, I am grateful for the vistas.

I am deeply thankful for the sounds
I am in wonder for all I have seen.
Excited about the whispers of what is to come.
Yes, indeed!  I call me a rambler.

Written October 2020