"I count myself one of the number of those who write as they learn and learn as they write." ~St. Augustine

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Off Kilter.

Out of sorts.  Out of whack.  A bit askew.

That is how I have felt today.  ...just not myself.   This is how I feel, even now.

My mood was stained this morning by a bad dream.  Two bad dreams, actually.  And, throughout the day, I have felt just--- out-of-it---

As I have prayed, or attempted to pray, through the day... I have felt stilted and tired.  My house just felt dark today.  ...not ominous or sad, exactly... just gray and dark.  A cloud hanging. 

But, even as I write this, I am reminded that in reality... nothing has changed.  There is nothing, at all, different from today and yesterday.  Well, nothing, I should say... but my mood.

Moods fluctuate.  At least, mine do.

But my Father in Heaven is a firm, immovable strength.  He hasn't changed.

Who He is, and who I am in Him, doesn't ever change.  The solid-ness of God Almighty fills my mind with beautiful, Biblical images of a fortress...  a rock.  He is my strong tower.  So, the wind and waves aren't even lapping my boat--- but, they feel like they are--- and still He remains solid and unmoved.

So, the shifting shadows descended on my head today, yes.  But, my God never changes.  He never shifts.  And, this thought flickers a bright light in my soul.  This Truth opens my soul and allows me to take a deeper breath tonight. 

"Whatever is good and perfect comes to us from God above, who created all heaven's lights.  Unlike them, [and me], He never changes or casts shifting shadows." (James 1:17)