"I count myself one of the number of those who write as they learn and learn as they write." ~St. Augustine

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Just Must

Sometimes you just must. Sometimes it is just necessary to speak truth out loud. Sometimes the waves of doubt or frustrations come crashing around. Truth is the one secure, the only, anchor for your tossed soul. Sometimes you just need to say it. Speak truth.

So, I say it.

Lord, You are good. You are faithful and kind. Father You are mighty and powerful. You are the King of all things, the Maker of heaven and earth. It all belongs to You. You are beyond time, Creator of time and controller of time. You know the beginning from the end. You are my Rock. You are my strong tower, my refuge and my hiding place. I can rest in You. I can cast all my cares on You. Your shoulders are strong and can hold all things. You carry my burdens and offer me peace in place of my cares. You are righteous and holy. You are just in all you do. You are always right and Your plans are good. You are forever and Your love, Your mercy and Your compassion endures forever. You are love.

I bless You Lord and ask You to fill my heart and my mind with You, with Truth. I say thank you Lord for all You are. I say thank you Lord for all You have done. I say thank you Lord for all You will do. I turn my face toward You and bow my head to You. I belong to You. I trust You. Good, kind, gentle, powerful Father I choose to still and quiet myself in You and sit without care under Your Mighty shadow.