"I count myself one of the number of those who write as they learn and learn as they write." ~St. Augustine

Monday, May 30, 2011

Just one of those days

Some days I am aware. Some days I am seeing God and walking closely with Him. Some days I count His blessings and grace-gifts more than other days...

Some days it is harder to count. Some days I just don't feel like counting... or watching, or looking for God's gifts to me. ...and, I am learning that those are the days that I need to be counting.

Some days are just hard. ...no real "reason", really. Just hard.

Today was one of those hard days. Agitated and irritable. Easily frustrated and tired. Today was one of those days.

So tonight I choose to count, or to re-count, the kindness of my Good Father, my Gentle Shepherd. Tonight I choose to remember the graces. And, I choose to believe that all is grace. I remember that in Him, in His time, all things are made beautiful and right.

#654. Blessed are those whose transgressions are forgiven.

#655. Prayer with a close friend.

#656. Safety when she fell from her bike.

#657. Repentant hearts.

#658. Seeing and enjoying old pictures of my babies, so small...

#659. Laughter and tickling.

#660. My man is my best friend.

#661. Pictures of super-novas... wow.

#662. Wind that howls.

#667. The moving, wild sky.

#668. Him teasing me in my grumpiness, making me laugh.

#669. Playing catch together in the fields

#670. Silly bagel song, sung loudly for many to hear and giggle. ...the joy of a 9 year old's voice singing loud and clear (and silly).

#671. Stupid movies that God uses to instruct.

#672. A heart conversation with God... seeing and understanding a bit more clearly my heart.

#673. A heart conversation with my man... sharing and understanding each other a bit more clearly.

It is good for the soul to remember.

To join in the hunt, the looking, and the remembering... come and count with us at www.aholyexperience.com.